Is an environment Friendly innovative product inherent from the high Pressure foamed material with special Features of high load bearing property good thermal conductivity. Negligible water     absorption. Shock and vibration proof. Nontoxic and corrosion resistance.



Rubber supports are a new selection for the industry as their unique features and outstanding


Environment Friendly

Replace wood pipe support and material can be recycling protect the environment


Thermal Conductivity

Conforms to national standard Gb4242-92 “gb8175-87

Water Resistance

Negligible water absorption due to closed cell structure

Shock & Vibration Proof

Inherent high pressure foamed absorb most shock and vibration

Corrosion Resistance

High pressure foamed high density resists most Chemicals acids and bases


Fire Performance

Tested and Conformed to British Standard BS 476-class 1 Fire Resistance



Dimensionally accurate as each piece is molded. It has excellent resistance to distortion. Steel

reinforcement gives higher strength and load bearing capacity.


DENSITY: 1400kg/m3








HVAC systems                                           Air Conditioning                    

Fire protection systems                         Power generation               

Commercial constructions                    Petroleum refining

Marine and ship building                      Natural gas compressor stations   


Rubber Support

  • HVAC systems
  • Air Conditioning
  • Fire protection systems
  • Power generation
  • Commercial constructions
  • Petroleum refining
  • Marine and ship building
  • Natural gas compressor stations

Dimensionally accurate as each piece is molded. It has excellent resistance to distortion.

Steel reinforcement gives higher strength and load bearing capacity

Is an environment Friendly innovative product inherent from the high Pressure foamed material with special Features of high load bearing property good thermal conductivity.

Negligible water absorption. Shock and vibration proof. Nontoxic and corrosion resistance

Rubber supports are a new selection for the industry as their unique features and outstanding performance

DENSITY: 1400kg/m3

Replace wood pipe support and material can be recycling protect the environment

Conforms to national standard Gb4242-92 “gb8175-87

Negligible water absorption due to closed cell structure

Inherent high pressure foamed absorb most shock and vibration

High pressure foamed high density resists most Chemicals acids and bases

Tested and Conformed to British Standard BS 476-class 1 Fire Resistance

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